postcards from Almonte

Today I had the pleasure of attending a vernissage in Almonte that one of my fellow TC Photo Clubbers, Bob Boisvert (or as I know him, Captain Bob) participated in. Exhibiting is a significant achievement for any artist and the vernissage is a great way to celebrate all the hard work that goes into it and talk to the artists about their work. The work was all stunning and the venue was also beautiful. I was inspired to shoot afterwards and Almonte was a perfect setting.


Anonymous said...


Perfect shot, I really like it, great DOF.

Funkysandman said...

Did you notice any marionettes in the shops in Almonte? Most of the shop owners have a marionette fashioned in their own image in the window...they're kinda creepy.

Jenna said...

Thanks Pete!

Sandy--no, I didn't see any....I only made it into one antique shop by the time I was out of Bob's show and had walked around...the rest of the shops had closed! I'm sure there is a story behind the marionettes though!

Jenna said...

Yep, I just googled it. Turns out there is an International Puppet Festival in Almonte. Wow, who would have thought?